Wednesday, August 25, 2010


    There seems to be a lot of confusion about how much religion can be in the public schools.  There are a lot more freedoms than sometimes thought.  The Christian Educators' Association, Inc. has tried to get the word out.  Here is true-false test.  See how you do.  The answers are below.  Don't cheat.  It's like school!  (1) Students can pray before and after the school day, at recess and lunch, but not at other times.  T   F   (2) A teacher is allowed to use the Bible as a refrence source in the classroom.  T  F   (3)  The school board may pray before or after the scool board meeting.   T   F   (4) Students may leave the classrooom and school grounds during the school day for religious/moral training.  T  F  (5)  A music teacher does not have to include religious music if he or she doesn't want to.  T  F  (6) The  school may decide to allow non-curricuilum clubs to meet after school on school grounds and not allow a religious cllub to meet on school grounds after school.  T  F  (7) In l963, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that prayer was not allowed in public schools.  T  F  (8) Science teachers can teach evolution, but are not allowed to discuss the bibilical account of creation.  T  F (9) It is illegal for students or teachers to evangelize their peers.  T  F  (10) A teacher may withold the portion of his or her union dues that funds a union's political stances that are in conflict with the teacher's religious views  T  F     Answers:  (1) False (2) True (3) True (4) True (5) False (6) False (7) False (8) False (9) False (10) True

How did you do?  Surprised at all?  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Bill, I got 9 out of 10. As a history teacher I was aware of most of these questions. I, unfortunately, wasn't aware of number 10 - withholding funds from teacher's dues. For some reason that never came up in my career. Thanks for enlightening our community to the fact that the Bible can be a reference tool in the classroom.
