Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Atheists are Uniting!

   Marie and I live in Lousiville when I was attending Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  So I know the location of a new billboard along Interstate 65 near the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center.  The billboard reads:  DON'T BELIVE IN GOD?  YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It was placed there by the Louisville Coalition of Reason which is a part of a national organization, United Coalition of Reason.  Atheists are getting active about sharing their views these days.
    I wonder what should be the attidude and response of believers?  Even though avowed atheists make up only about 4% of the population, their positions deserve a response.  For one thing, the question on the billboard can send believers seeking for truth. There is never any reason for Christians to shy away from the truth whether it is in theology, science or philosophy.  To the question, "Is there a God?, there are so-called rational "proofs" such as the ontological argument, cosmological argument, teleological argument, moral argument, and the historical argument.  And of course there is the argument of an experience with God.  Stuart Hamblin, gospel song writer/singer of another generation, was sitting in a plane by a man who professed, "I do not believe in God."  "That's sad," Hamblin responded, "I just spoke with him this morning."
    Second, the question can also help us know how to respond.  It does no good to get angry with atheists or anyone!  I Peter 3:15 says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with GENTLENESS and RESPECT."  Atheists have every right to express their thoughts.  In America, we have the freedom of religion--- even the freedom not to believe. We need to express concern and love and not hate.  Atheists are often people who have been hurt, disappointed, or disallusioned.  They need us more than anyone.
     What do you think?


  1. I agree: American atheists are often people who have been hurt, disappointed, or disillusioned with Christianity. That is part of the motivation for my writing "Fed Up with Fundamentalism."

  2. I think you should have started blogging years ago. Great stuff!
