Wednesday, February 9, 2011


     Should FBC have women deacons?  Probably.  Some may not like that we have a children's "pastor" and a great one!  Some churches would never give the title of "pastor" to a woman!  Jeanette Hawkins has preached, baptized, done weddings, funerals, and served as a pastor to many children and families.  The only hesitation that I have in having women serve as deacons is that, from a cultural standpoint, if women serve, then some men may not feel it is that important and so they might back away.  And deacon ministry IS vital and important whether practiced by women or men.
     So why opposition to women in ministry?  Opponents contend that women are "equal in being though unequal in role."  They point out that in Corinthians there is a verse that says "it is shameful for a woman to speak in church"  (I Corinthians 14:35) and I Timothy 2:11 says "Let a woman learn in silence with full submission."  But many point out that (1) Paul is speaking to a unique situation in Corinth, and (2) women in the audience should not whisper and disrupt worship-- but they can preach.
     To conclude there is an inferior "role" for women ignores Paul's requirement that "any woman who prays or prohesies" must have her head covered (11:5).  Also, Phoebe is described a s "a deacon" (Romans 16:1). and in Romans 16:7, Paul greets Junia as "prominent among the apostles." 
     Yet the persistence of patriarchy survives in our culture.  It is probably more cultural than Biblical.  As Carlyle Marney once said, "Southern Baptists are sometimes more Southern than they are Baptist and more Baptist than they are Christian."  I cast my lot among those who support women in ministry.


  1. I love this post Pastor! Thank you for bringing such controversial issues to the forefront. Discussion on topics like these are vital in allowing "change" to happen within the church. If it is never addressed and kept hush, hush, we will never be given the opportunity to debate it. Thank you for not being afraid of "putting it out there" and allowing us to pray, research, and finally form our own opinions and beliefs on topics like these. I look forward to looking up the Bible passages you listed in your article. Thanks again!!!

  2. I'm not 100% sure that I agree -- but then I'm not sure I disagree either. Still up in the air about it. I do agree, however, that Jeanette is doing an awesome job! But 1 Tim. 3:12 says "a deacon must be faithful to his wife," thereby implying that a deacon should be a man. Also, as a side note, why don't we have elders?

  3. As a woman who once delivered a sermon at your invitation, I must say I did not feel out of place in the pulpit. I believe God created each of us with individual talents and gifts, then inspires each of us on our own journeys to Him. I think God pays a lot less attention to our differences than we do, whether they are gender, race, nationality or capability. He wants us all. I share your concern in that women are a larger population and therefore appear more active in church work in general. We certainly want our men to be active, involved members. I think we follow traditions very well and that may leave men out of just as many roles, like in the kitchen and children's wing, as it does women. I like the quote about our being more Southern than Baptist and more Baptist than Christian. I am so glad to be 40 in 2011 instead of 1941--or 1971 for that matter. This world treats women a lot differently than it did just a few years ago, and the church is slowly coming along as well.
