I have often referred to my roots in Miller County near the Lake of the Ozarks. I have sometimes referred to myself as a "hillbilly from Miller County." Aunts and uncles, several counsins and distant relatives live in and around central Missouri. It all started when my great-grandmother, Elizabeth Cox, Bentley, Roark moved my grandfather and his two brothers to Miller County after my great grandfather, William Jesse Cox, died on Christmas day, 1900. Elizabeth out lived three husbands.
One of my aunts, Treda Brewer Schupp earlier in her life was a type-cast for granny on the Beverly Hillbillies. I love that gal and have stayed in touch with her at age 95! Treda is a sister to my mother, Dessie Brewer Cox. Aunt Evelyn Cox Forrester, 92, is still living in Eldon, MO, and she is a sister to my father, Charles Cox. The youngest among Dad's siblings, Elizabeth Cox Carrol, died this past month.
Proof of some of my roots will emerge this coming Sunday, September 18. I have three cousins that will be driving up from Spraaaaangfield, MO, to attend 9:45 worship and Sunday School at 11:00. After that, Marie and I will take them out to eat for a visit. My mother's brother, Williard Brewer, had three girls: Thelma, Mary, and Eula. Mary and Eula will be coming our way along with James Lee Bunch, husband of Eula. James and Eula served as missionaries through the SBC International Mission Board.
Eula and Mary are my first cousins. Let me see-- Eula married James Lee Bunch. I am related to the Bunches of Miller County and so James Lee also has to be a cousin. His father was James Frederick Bunch whose father was John William Bunch. John Willliam was the father of James Fredrick and my grandmother, Anna Josephene (with an "e") Bunch Cox. So, how is that? James Lee was a cousin to my Dad. So James would be my second cousin? Or is it third cousin?
Anyway, all three are cousins whom I welcome this weekend!