Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Do you have to be ordained to baptize someone?

     Throughout the years at First Baptist Church, Nevada, and in many other churches it has been the official "ordained" persons who have handled the sacraments ("ordinances" as we Baptists call them).  Some have felt that only those who are ordained as deacons can serve the supper.  Actually, scripture would allow anyone to serve the elements.
     In similar fashion, many would think the only person to baptize believers would be someone who had been "ordained" either as a pastor or as a deacon.  In our church family, Jeanette Hawkins, our Children's Pastor baptizes children on a regular basis.  She has not only not been ordained; she is a woman!  (She has also spoken from the pulpit which is heresy in some churches).  Also, Steve Russ has baptized many people even though he has not been ordained. 
     If one looks to church history, the findings are that from the beginning the growth of the church was a laymen's (and women) movement.  It was only through the many years of development of tradition that more sacred powers were placed in the hands of clergy.  Roman Catholic tradition affirms only those persons who have been ordained to the priesthood can handle the sacraments.  That authority goes with the position rather than the person.
     However, Baptist roots are different.  It was John Smythe and Thomas Helwys in the early 1600s in England who are given much of the credit for the Baptist movement.  Important in what they believed to be the recovery of New Testament teaching were baptism for belivers only (not infant baptism) and immersion baptism (to be dipped under the water).  Being convinced of what they believed to be the truth of scripture, Smythe baptised himself.  This is called "se-baptism" or "self-baptism."'  There was no one around to do it!  And then he baptized others.  None of them were ordained.
      In more recent years, especially as FBC has experienced growth, I like to see all of our staff baptizing people in the name of the Trinity.  It doesn't have to done by me, the lead pastor, to be official.  In fact, I am encouraging people who bring people to Christ to baptize their friends.  And I encourage fathers and/or mothers to baptize their children.  Though though Apostle Paul celebrated every conversion, he said, "I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaiius, so that no one can say that you were baptized in my name."  (I Corinthians 1:14).

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Anyone remember Rev. O. V. Dodson?

     Rev. O. V. Dodson was back at FBC, Nevada, recently for the memorial service for Rev. John Nichols.  He is 97 and still going strong.  He was my predecessor as pastor at FBC and served from 1955 to 1978.  I came on board in 1979.  While I was serving as pastor in the Bootheel of Missouri, my supervisor in Clinical Pastoral Education was Fred Schmucker.  When he found out the pastor preceding me was "O. V." Dodson and a familiar former pastor from the 40s was "J. Winston Pearce," he joked, "You can no longer be "Bill" Cox; you will have to be "W. C." Cox."  I later found out that "W.C." stands for water closet, or bathrooms in European countries!
     Anyway, the pastor of 23 years was one of the most gracious, Christian gentleman whom I have ever met. He has been nothing but an encourager to me in my role at FBC.  Not long after my coming to Nevada, he wrote me a note:  "Billl--  You are off to a good start.  Already hear glowing reports.  With appreciation I read you inciteful and challenging paragraphs in THE MAINSPRING.  You are on the beam!"  That was in 1979.
     There are several other notes and letters.  On March 21, 1988, when our church experienced conflict over whether to re-located to our present location, Rev. Dodson wrote:  "I note with deep interest the decsion of the church to build and the possibillity of relocating.  It sounds exciting and inspiring.  /  With a degree of reluctance, but with continuing deep love for First Baptist Church, Nevada, and an undying interest in her future, I am daring with prayerful consideration to share some thoughts from a perspective of the past. / Early in my pastorate at Nevada, during the fifties, I felt it would be wise for the church to move to a more spacious and conspicuous spot at the end of the community and build from scratch. /  However, it didn't take long to realize that sentimental attachments to the old location and its buildings would probablly make it virtually impossible to reach a harmonious consensus.  So, I abandoned the idea.  / I must admit I developed a degree of sentimental attachment to the old location and facilities over a period of twenty-four years.  And so it would distrub my emotions for the church no longer to be located on the corner of Main and Hunter.  But I am strongly convinced that sentiment should never stand in the way of progress of God's kingdom.  /   I commend the present generation of First Baptist Members for their forward look.  If, after careful and prayerful consideration it appears to be the part of wisdom and the will of the Lord that the church might make further growth and enjoy an extended ministry, it would appear to me that the sensible and spiritual thing would be to move.  /  Be asssured of our prayers here at our house regarding this matter."
     After the passing of former first lady of FBC, Elaine Dodson, Rev. Dodson re-married his former secretary, Janice Hartley, who also had lost her husband, John.  They have had many meaningful years together.  Rev. Dodson is truly a great but also a humble man.  He has told me that he enjoys the fact that churches have done better after he left!  After he left FBC, Cassville, MO, the church experienced a lot of growth under lead pastor, John Duncan.  After he left FBC, Nevada, our church has continued to make progress.  He knows the meaning of what the Apostle said, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.!  (I Corinthians 3:6)  He is not jealous. He is not envious. He is truly a man of God who shows us not only how to live the Christian life but how to serve in positions of leadership.
Pastor Cox

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


     Two religious journals I received are THE WORD AND WAY published by Missouri Baptists and THE BAPTIST STANDARD which is the official journal of the General Baptist Convention of Texas.    Both recently featured articles on patriotism and religion concurrent with Independence Day.  The question often comes--- is it appropriate to use July 4 as a patriotic experience in worship? 
     At First Baptist we place little flags out all across the campus and our staff pokes fun at me.  For one thing, it is a lot of work to get them all in the ground -- especially if there are few late June or early July rains. And it is often hot.  I have taken my turn in recent years in both placing the flags in the ground and pulling them out of the ground.  We have often had special speakers on or about July 4 while allowing/alternating representatives from both political parties.  This year our son-in-law, Chuck Paquin, spoke while attired in an impressive naval uniform.
      Many of us baby boomers attended Vacation Bible School in which we gave our pledges of allegiance to the United States flag, the Christian flag, and the Bible.  Somehow I never really separated the fact that one could be loyal and appreciative of one's country and yet be a believer/follower of Christ.  And yet I have realized there are dangers in patriotism.  The slogans from the past, "Love it or Leave it!" probably would not sit well with the Apostle Paul.  I suspect he would say something like, "Love it or Change it" if something is not right.
       A part of our heritage as Baptists is the separation of church and state, or maybe better put, "a free church in a free society."  Baptists along with other sects were instrumental in getting the first amendement in the constitution which guaranteed religious liberty.  I for one have always felt it is wrong for churches to beg the state to pay them for doing what God provides them the resources to do.  It is certainly appropriate for churches to be involved in faith-based initiatives.  But it is probably better to do it from the support of Christians rather thn from public tax monies.
       So how does one deal with the tension between patriotism and piety?   Those who emphasize American exceptionalism should read the Bible about how God loves all people, all cultures, all nationalities, and all people groups.  There is something beautiful that swells within the breast about love for one's country.  But the Christian's allegiance is to God first.
        Consider the TWO THIRTEENS.  Romans 13 speaks from the Apostle's heart about how every person should be subject to the governing authorities.  There is certainly a place for being good citizens and loving our country.  Revelation 13 pictures the Roman Government as an evil beast that is persecuting Christians and will ultimately face God's judgment.  No nation or government escapes accountability from God and is not special to God.  Christians of all nationalities, not Jews and not U.S. citizens, are God's people. 
         So what about the Star Spangled Banner in church?  Once in a while maybe on July 4 -- as long as it is placed in the proper context of the Gospel.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

John Nichols Memorial

     Rev. John Nichols (August 17, 1923 - July 1, 2011) was a part of the religious history of Vernon Country.  Serving as pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Nevada for several years, he then became Director of Missions of Nevada Baptist Association and served in that position until his retirement.  The Nevada Baptist Association eventually merged with the Butler Baptist Association to form the Osage River Baptist Association.  He served as DOM (which he affectionately referred to as "Dumb Old Men") when I began my tenure as pastor at FBC, Nevada, MO, in 1979.
     In recent years, John was known as the "funeral" preacher until his health failed.  He actually led in about 1,500 plus funerals.  He told me once when he retired that he would never do another wedding.  And he did not!  Even close friends were occasionally disappointed.  When I asked why he was so firm about not doing any more weddings he laughed, "Bill, I would do weddings if brides did not have mothers!"
     When I first came to Nevada I was green as a gourd.  When I experienced some stress, he shared with me that I needed to take time to relax some, get out of the building, take it easy.  He gave me the example of how, for years, he took time several mornings to have coffee with Ernie Madill who owned and operated Madill's Appliances.  Some will remember their getting together on a regular basis.
     One of  his hobby passions was garage sales/ flea markets.  He knew a bargain on an item and knew how to make a profit by selling it.  When our son, Jamin, was born in 1981, John gave him a bank shaped like a baby in a crib which started a collection of banks which our son still has.  John always walked for his health on a regular basis and would pass our house when we lived at 1503 West Ashland.  Once when we were on vacation in Colorado, a man walked by our cabin and Jamin, just a youngster, said, "There's John!"
     When he retired in 1987, I wrote in FBC's weekly newsletter, THE MAINSPRING, about a phrase that occured over and over again in his monthly bulletin, THE BAPTIST BEACON.  The phrase was, "Our Heavenly Father."  Some examples:  In the "Li'Al" Section (named after his grandaughter) ( February, 1986) in summarizing the moral from one of his jokes, Rev. Nichols said, "Churches want all to come and worhip THE HEAVENLY FATHER whether they are able to pay or not."
      In the "This and That" Section (May, 1986) in reporting an illness of a pastor's wife, Rev. Nichols said, "Bertha Willard was in a single car accident this month and even though the car was totaled, she was protected by THE HEAVENLY FATHER, with only minor cuts and bruises."
      In the "Li'Al" Section (April, 1987) in summrizing the moral from another joke, Rev. Nichols said, "We need to be loyal to our church and our denomination, but above all we need to be loyal to THE HEAVENLY FATHER."
      In the "This and That" Section (August, 1986) in reporting on the associational camp, Rev. Nichols said, "The wonderfuly HEAVENLY FATHER blessed our Youth Camp with fine (though hot) weather, with excellent workers, worship services, teaching, plus delicious food."
      In the "Missionary's Message" Section (November, 1986) in expressing gratitude, Rev. Nichols said, "Since November is the month of Thanksgiving I mentioned some things here that I have already expressed too OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, for which I am grateful."
     It is hard to find a copy of THE BAPTIST BEACON without at least one reference to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.  We are thankful that OUR HEAVENLY FATHER has provided ministry through the leadership of Rev. John.  And we celebrate the completion of his eternal life with OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in the mansion with many rooms.